
Cooperation and support from the business – sector in Gevgelija

This year, the textile company “Mercury” from Gevgelija organized celebration of the International Women’s Day that had humanitarian character. The owner of the company decided to donate the collected money from lottery tickets sold during the celebration for humanitarian purpose. Also, the lottery tickets were sold to other textile companies that cooperate with “Mercury”. Mr. […]

Cooperation and support from the business – sector in Gevgelija Read More »

Workshop for strategic planning of the development of the local branches of PORAKA

At the beginning of 2008, the Executive Board of PORAKA decided that in the first trimester of the year, workshops should be organized and realized in every municipality where PORAKA has local branch. The goal of the workshops is to review and determine the strategic directions for action on local level (needs, priorities and actions)

Workshop for strategic planning of the development of the local branches of PORAKA Read More »

Formal start of the new facility оf the day center – PORAKA Struga

As a final manifestation of the campaign “Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society” on local level, a within 3rd of December – The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Struga, on 12.12.2007 formally started to use the new facility of the day center

Formal start of the new facility оf the day center – PORAKA Struga Read More »

Promotion of a documentary film “Day centers of PORAKA”

Within its programme for 3rd of December – The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA promoted the documentary film “Day centers of the Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA”, in which the results are shown from the work

Promotion of a documentary film “Day centers of PORAKA” Read More »

Campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability “Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society”

Realized activities and achieved results The Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA with its 20 local branches, and supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, during 2007 – the European year for Equal Opportunities for All, realized national campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability

Campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability “Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society” Read More »

Campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability in the Republic of Macedonia

Activities on local level Round table discussion in Demir Hisar Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar- in the frame of the activities for launching the campaign on the local level “Through Diversity to Equality in the Society”, on 23rd May 2007 has organized round table discussion. Representatives from the:

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Campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability in the Republic of Macedonia

Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society Activities on local level Round table discussion in Demir Hisar Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar- in the frame of the activities for launching the campaign on the local level “Through Diversity to Equality in the Society”, on 23rd May 2007 has

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The Government of the Republic of Macedonia has adopted Strategy for cooperation of the Government with the civil sector

The contribution of the civil sector in promotion and developing democratic culture and social cohesion on all society levels encourages the need of cooperation between the civil sector and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. Their mutual activities can significantly contribute in the development of different areas in society in order to efficiently answer

The Government of the Republic of Macedonia has adopted Strategy for cooperation of the Government with the civil sector Read More »

“Community – based services for persons with intellectual disability – the future development”

Following the concept and the guidelines from PORAKA, 13 local branches of PORAKA held local conferences in the past two months, under the auspices and in close cooperation with the local authorities. The creation of alternative community – based services is the basic precondition for successful implementation of the policy for inclusion of persons with

“Community – based services for persons with intellectual disability – the future development” Read More »

40-th jubilee from the work and official opening of a day center in Kumanovo

On 6th of December PORAKA Kumanovo, within the programme for the annual observance of 3rd of December, the International Day of Persons with Disability, in the Center for Children’s Creativity, has marked its 40 years of existence and work. This manifestation continued with sales exhibit of handicrafts from the users of the Social Club in

40-th jubilee from the work and official opening of a day center in Kumanovo Read More »

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